fredag den 30. august 2013

Very soon....

... We will upload a program for the meeting in Silkeborg.
Helle and I have been planning it, and I will meet with Rainer (and maybe Louisa) this afternoon in Silkeborg to discuss some details.

We are looking forward to be hosting our first meeting in the new project and are looking forward to be welcoming all 17 of you in our school.

Have a nice weekend!

tirsdag den 13. august 2013

Accommodation rates

Accommodations in Silkeborg

I have booked the requested rooms at:

Scandic Hotel
Udgårdsvej 2
8600 Silkeborg

We have an agreement for special rates for the rooms. (I have the amount in DKK, so the amount in EURO is an approximate...)

Singleroom: 700 dkk/93 euro
One person in a twinroom: 800 dkk/107 euro
Two persons in a twinroom: 900 dkk/120 euro

I still need to hear from a few about rooms and names. Please send an email to me with the information a.s.a.p.